Through a series of unusual circumstances, I have a website url for sale, and it represents the incredible photographer Ron Rafaelli. If you are not familiar with the work of Ron Rafaelli, be sure to hit this link Photographer Ron Rafaelli and check out work that is pretty incredible.

AND, there is a story that goes with this! I will be telling you all about it on my new YouTube Channel f.8bethere this winter. It is one of those stories that will leave you shaking your head, and saying to yourself, “… so close, but so far ..” when you see this one!

Call Me Conservator (because I can’t think of a better sounding title)

Ron Raffaelli Project Gets Rocking and Rolling

For those of you watching from afar, you may remember me mentioning my motivation for this long and strange trip I have been on over the last thirty-some years. It was Rolling Stone Magazine that I fed on from the first, then evolved into a lot of other types of photography and photographic influences. I didn’t know at the time how all the rock-and-roll would manifest itself. The doors of magazines were slowly closing, and the money people had taken complete control of the artists – their image, their direction and they contained and controlled their essence. As young as I was, I recognized the Rolling Stone ship had sailed.

That didn’t mean I didn’t love Annie Lebowitz, the best of Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, the best of Texan Mark Seliger’s work, Interview Magazine … the list goes on and on. But I am one of those people who constantly wondered, and still wonders: Why am I doing this? Why am I digging this? And – – – What is this rock-and-roll infatuation leading me to?

Maybe I finally have, so many decades later, found the reason. When I talk to the Ron Raffaelli heir, I know the names, the stories and the musicians she is talking about – not literally, as Ron Raffaelli did, but I know enough to carry on a conversation … about Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Grace Slick, Sonny & Cher, Liberace or Eric Clapton. Sure I am dropping names, but it’s all there — Ron Raffaelli may be the most famous forgotten photographer lost in the history of capital “R’s” Rock-and-Roll. My life’s timing may have been wrong to end up behind the camera, but maybe this is the reason.

Fortunately, I was able to wait out the previous owner of, and now own that URL. I have more than 1TB of images to go through, and they are not exactly organized, but who cares! It’s a treasure chest and it is full of real treasure. Now the search continues for a good format for the website.