ONE AWAY FROM the big 50!
I managed two more couches to make fifty last week, but unfortunately one just did not make the cut. So we are at 49 and holding. IF YOU see a couch on the street curbs of Denton – one of the fastest growing metro areas in the USA – contact me right away, and I will break through that big 50 number
New prints coming from my Epson P600 are fantastic! I hadn’t upgraded my printers in a few years, but with the closing of one door (at City of Denton), I am pushing another door open — artwork and printing artwork for myself and others. Those “others” would be artists and photographers WHO CARE about reproducing their artwork as accurately and archive-ally as possible. Epson archival life is rated at 200-years for black&white and 400-years for color. I remember one critic of a person I was printing for (old school), who lamented the fact the prints I was making would last a hundred years. Harsh, but it can be true.
Here is a file from Mark Hutchison’s work. It will be available for purchase along with several other printed images — this weekend in Denton at the Armadillo Ale Works 10-5 Saturday only. It’s LESLIE’S BACK YARD ART SHOW! She’s been doing the show since 2014, so this makes the 5TH. anniversary of her show.