Nikon Set To Join Mirrorless Market with Z6 & Z7

I have been a Nikon user since year one, but it has always been a race from behind TO catch up with Canon. Canon is a much larger company with the funding for developing cameras at breakneck speed, and deployment in the overwhelmed Canon user market

At times Canon users expressed to me their frustration with the lens – camera body mismatches due to the different mounts. All I can say is – Tough Nuts! Technologically, Canon maintains a distinct advantage in the market over everyone else.

Where Canon is lacking is in actually image quality DUE TO lens quality. And my Nikons still reign supreme in that category. And that is why I have stuck with them for 30-plus years.

Now, I do dabble in the mirrorless market, and attached myself to a Nikon Classic Camera – the Nikon Pro-V1 – as soon as they hit the market. The camera is STILL AWESOME after all these years.

But now Nikon is taking a serious shot at the thousand-pound-gorilla in the mirrorless market – SONY.

Here’s the scoop –

Read it and let us know what you think! Nikon has great difficulty with their roll-outs, and some failures along the way – bad software mostly, and being too far ahead of the world (Key Mission 360), but maybe, just maybe they are hitting this one out of the park! We shall soon see. If it does any quality video, I already like it!