On Location – Interphase, Plano, Texas

Interphase photographyShooting on Location in Plano Texas


It was a good day of shooting yesterday at Interphase, and the creative team from Rednok Marketing made everything go smoothly – as usual. The folks at Interphase certainly were cooperative as we virtually took over the place.

Today it was to the American Airlines Center to scout a potential shoot of the luxury suites, and other locales in the AAC. It was pretty impressive, even in the dark. I took along my new Nikon1 V1, and it performed like a champ. That camera is my new permanent jewelry. Love it. Nothing beats working for Bloomfield Knoble and Redonk Marketing – business friends.

#bloomfieldknoble #redonkmarketing #advertisingphotographer +Shannon Drawe

New Year’s Resolution – Carry A Camera At All Times

Photographers should always carry a camera no matter what!

It has always been a double edged sword to be a photographer. If I see something, and don’t have a camera, jeesh. Carrying a camera can be like having your entire office around your neck – all the time.

Now there’s the huge onslaught of phone cameras that are not only wiping out an entire section of the “cheap” camera market, they are popping up everywhere. Just look at the next campaign announcements – winners, losers, whatever – at the next stop for the Republican party in whatever state you choose to watch. Typically, people are stuffed in a hotel ballroom in Podunk, USA, waiting for the candidate to walk up to the lectern and give their spin on the primary outcome.

At the back of the room are the video guys, these days pretty “casually” dressed, and on the same level as the hundreds of people in front of them. The candidate walks in. Up pops a forest of arms holding phones shooting stills and video.

So, my prayers are finally answered. I just procured the new Nikon1 V1 camera, and it is nothing short of revolutionary. Small, sharp, a whole new set of lenses, accessories and just a plain sexy camera. Don’t be surprised if you see it around my neck the next time you see me – and it shoots dazzling video as well! Never a dull moment.


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