Nature Photography?

Get Ready for a TIME SUCK!

The short days make for interesting outdoor photography.

The sun already has a low arc, and in this situation it seemed like I was in a race to get a shot before total darkness came on.

I don’t know much about this type of outdoor sports, aka. hunting flavor, photography, or whether there is anything different or unusual about this image.

I do know it beats holing up and staring at a screen. I can see how it gets very tiring for those who do this and only this kind of outdoor nature photography thought. Like I said, Get Ready for a Time Suck! If you consider time to be an “investment?” Move on now, and forget outdoor photography.

If you are interested in a nature photography outing? I can show you the ropes for this type of four-legged pursuit, and I also have the ability to get you out on the water for winter waterfowl photography NOW. Just contact me for more details!