Couches are coming along slowly these winter days, but the count did go up by a couple. And the creep to fifty continues at a heck of a slow pace! I think I have figured out why too: The folks at the City of Denton trash pickup are getting on IT! I passed by a couch this morning, and a couple of hours later – GONE. There is also the sun to contend with – lack thereof, and sun angle in winter. I so look forward to the winter solstice – December 21st. From there, the days get longer although it takes awhile for them to get warmer.


The Raffaelli Archives are starting to gather some momentum as well. I was able to get a new lab on line to help with our Consumer Prints. They are what I call GEN1 prints, and a new printer should arrive soon — in order to create the GEN1 Gallery Print Series. Working on Ron Raffaelli’s legendary images is such a privilege, and every folder of scans I open, is like opening a vault every time. I have a hard time keeping my enthusiasm in check on this project, but there is a lot of business that goes with such an undertaking.


The high-end versions will be rendered using a brand new Epson Ink Jet printer. I have a lot of experience with fine printing, and am excited to get back in to the high end print spectrum with a state of the art printer and images that aren’t even mine!