Action Packed Weekend

Friday night was under the lights once again. This time all the way to the outskirts of San Angelo, Texas, to photograph the Aubrey football game in the colder and damper than last week stadium in Clyde, Texas. Thank goodness Clyde had LED lighting in their stadium, and I still get good results even though the push is to 3200. I’ve been pushing a long time …

Aubrey high school sports football action photography.
My rules for sports are simple, and violated here in the interest of peak action. The rule: Hands. Ball Face. Two-out-of-three worked this time.

Two more couches made the grade this past weekend, and it was like a community thing — just two blocks apart. Denton seems to have “couch hatches” where they just come up from nowhere, and then they’re gone. I am two couches away from my “First 50 Couches” project being complete, with as much as whimper as a bang.

I will be adding to my Denton Stock Photography this week as well. The images are from the Denton Farmer’s Market and the most recent UNT Homecoming Parade. Funny about that parade; it looked like the last homecoming parade – almost exactly – and that must have been more than a decade ago. Strange how some things never appear to change, isn’t it? The same can be said for photography, but much more concisely: IT’S ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE. That may be hard for today’s youngsters to believe, but it’s true.

I can imagine someone has even taken it on themselves to spend two years of their valuable lives chasing down couches on streets somewhere other than here in Denton. I can imagine it, but I have never seen it, but because I have never seen it doesn’t mean it hasn’t been done. Take that to heart.

Talk About Journalism and Music

Environmental Photograph Denton Music Venue
Early art in Dan’s Silver Leaf.

I’ve told you about my original interest in music photography – Rolling Stone – Annie Lebowitz and all the seductive allure of the 1980’s music photography scene.

Well, that scene and my hopes for that brass ring, were in no small part fueled by a friendship with NTSU NT Daily classmate, and writer, Lisa Lynette Rollins. She had the “it” thing of writing a BLING lede that put all you wanted right up front – YOU HAD TO READ the rest to see if it backed that fantastic lede. It always did.

So I got on board. She would write and I would photograph … all kinds of musicians in all kinds of places. Tour buses, bars with 8-foot high ceilings … it didn’t matter. Glam or hot country music. It didn’t matter. We pushed for space in the NT Daily, and usually got it.

Fast forward to what seems like yesterday. She was in town for a benefit, her benefit, as she engaged in her final battle with cancer. I can’t believe the first Lisapalooza was five years ago, but then quite a bit has happened to me in the last five years – on the same topic – as well. Yet, it does still seem like yesterday.

Saturday, is the Sixth Lisapalooza at Dan’s Silver Leaf in Denton, Texas. If you read this, and want more information, be sure to contact me. You can find tickets for Lisapalooza at – 2019 Lisapalooza.