Now For Something Brand New (or Some New Branding)

Step back in time Lowbrow’s Pilot Point Texas

Discussing events with Bob at Lowbrows
Talking with Bob at Lowbrow’s in Pilot Point, Texas, last night.

One thing lead to another at Lowbrow’s in Pilot Point, Texas, and now I am involved with creating and promoting two events for the most authentic saloon still standing. We are looking at creating the first ever “Lowbrow’s Octoberfest” in October, and a fishing tournament next spring. Lowbrows is close to one of the best kept secrets in North Texas – Lake Ray Roberts.

#pilotpointTX #photojournalist
+Shannon Drawe


Maya Angelou at TWU

Photographing Maya Angelou TWU

Maya Angelou speaks at Texas Womans University
Some people just give you goose bumps. When Maya Angelou took the time to ask my first and last name, phonetically sounding out the last, that was one of those times. Words. Words … names … have meaning.

#mayaangelou #TWU
+Shannon Drawe