Dallas Headshots and Business Photography

Dallas location headshot photography

Don’t forget to check in with me via the contact page, if you are in need of location headshots – that is headshots for your business at your location, or environmental photography of your business and people at work. I make special arrangements for companies needing to revamp their entire staff head shot artwork, and my rates are still extremely competitive – even at your location. Save time and money by contacting Shannon Drawe Photography today.

I’ve been doing it for years, and with the upswing in the economy, you want to be ready to bring new business to yourself with exciting FRESH and creative new images for your assets.


On Location – Interphase, Plano, Texas

Interphase photographyShooting on Location in Plano Texas


It was a good day of shooting yesterday at Interphase, and the creative team from Rednok Marketing made everything go smoothly – as usual. The folks at Interphase certainly were cooperative as we virtually took over the place.

Today it was to the American Airlines Center to scout a potential shoot of the luxury suites, and other locales in the AAC. It was pretty impressive, even in the dark. I took along my new Nikon1 V1, and it performed like a champ. That camera is my new permanent jewelry. Love it. Nothing beats working for Bloomfield Knoble and Redonk Marketing – business friends.

#bloomfieldknoble #redonkmarketing #advertisingphotographer +Shannon Drawe