New Projects Abound This Spring

dallas commercial photographer in texas

New photography projects are coming from all directions and in all flavors these days.
Stay tuned for a snippet of a new video project about a local artisan. Stay tuned for a comprehensive editorial project expected to last several years, and a third project that is completely off the wall in every way.

The most interesting and commercial project comes attached to a UNT Ad Design student who did a fantastic job on her concept and getting everything lined up as far as the three photo shoots on three locations in the Denton, Texas, area.

I will wait for the final product to show you how the photography and typography turned out … I bet it will be great.

NEW VIDEO – Richard Davis Sculpture – Foundry Processes

videographer dallas

dallas dslr videographer texas

Finally finished production on a new video for The beginning just lent itself to being a black-and-white segment, and the audio on the furnace and production work seems to work nicely in the background of the spoken audio. The foundry process is incredibly loud and dramatic, so balancing things out took a little while.

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